Account profile

Welcome to Tutorac! Nice to see you here. Let's get started!

How to sign up as a tutor?

You can sign up as a tutor in 3 quick steps:

Online Training, Hire a Tutor, Become a Tutor

You also get all the tools and resources needed to kick-start and grow your online teaching business. From creating, promoting, and delivering courses to finding the right audience to seamlessly receiving payments—Tutorac streamlines it all.

How to reset/change password?

If you forgot your password, you can simpaly reset it and create a new one. Here're what you need to do:

  • 1 Go to
  • 2 Enter your registered email and click Reset password to receive reset instructions
  • 3 Open the email you've received and click the link to reset your password
  • 4 Now, enter the new password and click on Reset to create your new password
Online Training, Hire a Tutor, Become a Tutor

You also get all the tools and resources needed to kick-start and grow your online teaching business. From creating, promoting, and delivering courses to finding the right audience to seamlessly receiving payments—Tutorac streamlines it all.

Setting up your tutor profile

Having a great tutor profile is essential to growing your online teaching business. It will help you serve two primary purposes:

  • 1 Manage your personal brand-helping learners know who are you and what is your expertise
  • 2 Match you and your courses with the most suitable audience and opportunities

So ensure you fill in all the details and section of your profile to maximize the benefits as a tutor. Here're some tips for creating a great tutor profile:

Add a clear profile photo

Your profile photo is a key element of your profile. Add a recent, high-resolution image with your face clearly visible. An ideal profile picture should fill 60% of the frame with your face. Here's an example of a good profile photo:

Online Training, Hire a Tutor, Become a Tutor
  • Online Training, Hire a Tutor, Become a Tutor High-resolution image
  • Online Training, Hire a Tutor, Become a Tutor Clearly visible face
  • Online Training, Hire a Tutor, Become a Tutor Most frame area occupied by face

Add all the basic information

Fill out all the details of the basic information section, such as your professional title, name, enail, mobile number, professional bio, location and social media links (optional).

Write an intresting bio

You'll be able to add your professional bio in the basic information section. This bio will be visible to registered as well as non-registered learners when they preview your course or profile. So this is your chance to connect with your potential learners and make a good impression.

You may write your bio in the first or third person. While writing bio consider including a brief about yourself, your expertise, your experience and your mission. Here're an example:

"Xavier is a data analysis professional helping companies drive growth through crucial data insights. Over the past decade, he has consulted and mentored at various well-known organizations, such as Google, Netflix, CBS, Apple, Amazon, Spotify and IBM. As a professional with specialized skills and a decade of experience, he aims to empower aspiring data analysts with his knowledge through online courses and one-to-one coaching."

Add all relevant akills

Selecting/addng the right skills related to your teaching interest and courses will help you match with the most suitable audience an the platform.

So, in the skills section, ensure you're selecting the appropriate categories, subcategories and topics. Additionally, you can select the preset skills or even add more skills manually

Add your experince and tutoring rates

Add yor tutoring experince will help you build credibility and also match to the right tutoring jobs posted by learners. You'll also be recommended jobs in your feeds based on your tutoring rates.

Add professional details

Add your professional experience aligning with your teaching offerings to create a strong profile. You can upload you resume and the system will parse it and autofill the details. You can even add the details manually.

Add certificates and educational details

Add your eductaional qualifications to help learners understand your educational background, You can also add certificates and licenses related to your skills to improve your credibility as a tutor.